The Best Sleep Tracker Apps of 2023

Introduction to Sleep Tracker Apps

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our health and well-being. It affects our mood, energy, productivity, and even our risk of developing certain diseases. However, many of us struggle to get enough quality sleep every night. How can we improve our sleep habits and optimize our sleep cycles?

One possible solution is to use a sleep tracker app. A sleep tracker app is a software application that monitors your sleep patterns and provides you with feedback and insights on how to sleep better. There are many sleep tracker apps available for different devices, such as smartphones, smartwatches, fitness trackers, and even mattresses. In this blog post, we will focus on the best sleep tracker apps for Apple Watch users.

How Sleep Tracker Apps Work

Sleep tracker apps work by using different methods to detect and record our sleep data. Some of the most common methods are:

  1. Accelerometer: This is a sensor that measures the movement of the device or the wearer. By detecting how much and how often we move during the night, the app can estimate how restless or calm our sleep is.
  2. Heart rate: This is a sensor that measures the beats per minute of our heart. By tracking how our heart rate changes throughout the night, the app can infer what stage of sleep we are in, such as light, deep, or REM sleep.
  3. Microphone: This is a sensor that captures the sound of our breathing, snoring, or talking in our sleep. By analyzing the volume and frequency of these sounds, the app can detect if we have any sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or insomnia.
  4. Machine learning: This is a technique that uses artificial intelligence to learn from our sleep data and provide personalized insights and recommendations. By using machine learning, the app can adapt to our individual sleep patterns and preferences, and help us optimize our sleep quality.

Benefits of Using Sleep Tracker Apps

1. Understand our sleep cycles. Sleep tracker apps can measure how much time we spend in different stages of sleep, such as light, deep, and REM sleep. By knowing our sleep cycles, we can learn about our optimal sleep duration and timing, and adjust our bedtime and wake-up time accordingly.

2. Identify and avoid sleep disruptors. Sleep tracker apps can also detect factors that may interfere with our sleep quality, such as noise, light, temperature, caffeine, alcohol, stress, and more. By identifying these sleep disruptors, we can take steps to minimize or eliminate them from our sleeping environment or routine.

2. Set and track our sleep goals. Sleep tracker apps can help us set realistic and personalized sleep goals, such as sleeping for a certain number of hours, waking up at a consistent time, or reducing our sleep debt. They can also track our progress and performance over time, and reward us with badges or achievements when we reach our milestones.

3. Get personalized advice and recommendations. Sleep tracker apps can also provide us with tailored advice and suggestions based on our sleep data and preferences. For example, they can recommend the best time to go to bed or wake up, the best type of music or sound to fall asleep or wake up to, the best relaxation techniques or exercises to do before bed or after waking up, and more.

Using sleep tracker apps can be a simple and effective way to improve our sleep quality and quantity, which can have positive impacts on our physical and mental health, productivity, mood, and overall well-being. If you are interested in trying out a sleep tracker app, you can check out some of the popular ones available on the market, such as Sleep Cycle, Pillow, SleepScore, Fitbit, or Apple Watch.

Why use an Apple Watch for sleep tracking?

The Apple Watch is one of the most popular smartwatches in the market, with millions of users worldwide. It offers a range of features and functions, such as fitness tracking, heart rate monitoring, notifications, and more. But did you know that you can also use your Apple Watch for sleep tracking?

The Apple Watch has a built-in accelerometer and gyroscope that can detect your movements and orientation while you sleep. It also has a heart rate sensor that can measure your heart rate variability (HRV), which is an indicator of your stress level and autonomic nervous system activity. By combining these data, the Apple Watch can estimate your sleep stages, such as light sleep, deep sleep, REM sleep, and awake time.

The Apple Watch also has a feature called Sleep Mode, which automatically turns on when you set a bedtime schedule in the Health app on your iPhone. Sleep Mode dims the screen, silences notifications, and activates Do Not Disturb mode to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. You can also set an alarm on your Apple Watch that will gently wake you up with haptic feedback or sound.

How to use Sleep tracker on Apple device

To use your Apple Watch for sleep tracking, you need to pair it with your iPhone and install a compatible sleep tracker app. There are many sleep tracker apps for Apple Watch users, but not all of them are created equal. Some apps may offer more features, accuracy, or reliability than others. 

Top 10 Sleep Tracker Apps for Apple users 2023 

1. Sleep Cycle: This app uses your phone's microphone and accelerometer to analyze your sleep stages and wake you up gently at the optimal time. You can also set smart alarms, view detailed sleep statistics and graphs, and listen to soothing sounds to fall asleep faster. Sleep Cycle is free to download, but you can upgrade to a premium subscription for more features and integrations.

2. Pillow: This app is designed for Apple Watch users who want to monitor their sleep quality and heart rate. Pillow syncs with your watch and automatically detects when you fall asleep and wake up. You can also use it as a smart alarm clock, a nap tracker, and a mood diary. Pillow is free to use, but you can unlock more features and reports with a one-time purchase or a subscription.

3. AutoSleep: This app is another option for Apple Watch users who want to track their sleep without having to press any buttons or wear their watch to bed. AutoSleep uses advanced algorithms to measure your sleep duration, quality, efficiency, and heart rate variability. You can also customize your sleep goals, notifications, and dashboard. AutoSleep costs $4.99 to download.

4. SleepScore: This app uses your phone's camera and speaker to measure your breathing rate, movement, and snoring while you sleep. It then gives you a score based on how well you slept and provides you with personalized feedback and recommendations on how to improve your sleep hygiene, environment, and habits. SleepScore is free to download, but you can access more features and content with a subscription.

5. Sleep++: This app is a simple and minimalist sleep tracker for Apple Watch users who want to see how much they sleep and how restless they are during the night. Sleep++ automatically detects when you start and stop sleeping and shows you a summary of your sleep duration and quality. You can also export your data to the Health app or other apps. Sleep++ is free to use, but you can remove ads with an in-app purchase.

6. SleepWatch: This app is a comprehensive sleep tracker for Apple Watch users who want to get deeper insights into their sleep patterns, trends, and factors. SleepWatch automatically tracks your sleep duration, quality, regularity, heart rate dip, restful sleep ratio, and more. You can also set goals, get alerts, and join challenges to improve your sleep habits. SleepWatch is free to download, but you can upgrade to a premium membership for more features and benefits.

7. Sleep Time: This app uses your phone's accelerometer to monitor your movements and determine your sleep phases. It then wakes you up gently during your lightest sleep stage within a predefined window. You can also view your sleep history, trends, and statistics, as well as listen to relaxing sounds or music to help you fall asleep or wake up. Sleep Time is free to use, but you can access more features and sounds with a subscription.

8. Slumber: This app is a collection of stories, meditations, soundscapes, and music that are designed to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. You can choose from different categories, genres, narrators, and lengths of audio content that suit your preferences and mood. You can also adjust the volume, speed, timer, and background noise of each track. Slumber is free to download, but you can unlock more content with a subscription.

9. SnoreLab: This app is for people who want to find out if they snore or how loud they snore while they sleep. SnoreLab uses your phone's microphone to record your snoring sounds and measure their intensity. It then gives you a snore score and shows you how your snoring varies throughout the night. You can also compare your snoring across different nights, factors, remedies, and settings. SnoreLab is free to use, but you can access more features and data with a subscription.

10. Pzizz: This app is a unique sleep aid that uses psychoacoustic principles to create dynamic soundtracks that help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. You can choose from different modes (sleep, nap, focus) and customize the duration, volume, voiceover, music genre, and 3D effects of each session. Pzizz is free to download for 7 days trial period , but you need a subscription to continue using it after that.

These are some of the best sleep tracker apps for Apple Watch users that we recommend. However, you may find other apps that suit your preferences and needs better. The important thing is to find an app that works well with your device, provides accurate and reliable data, and helps you achieve your sleep goals.

How to Choose the Right Sleep Tracker App for You

1. Consider your goals and needs. What are you hoping to achieve by using a sleep tracker app? Do you want to improve your sleep hygiene, optimize your sleep cycles, or address a specific sleep problem? Different apps may have different features and functions that suit your goals and needs. For example, some apps may offer guided meditation, relaxation sounds, or smart alarms, while others may focus on providing detailed sleep reports or personalized recommendations.

2. Check the accuracy and reliability of the app. How does the app measure your sleep? Does it use your phone's microphone, accelerometer, or camera, or does it require a wearable device such as a smartwatch or a sensor? How does the app validate its data and algorithms? Does it have any scientific evidence or user reviews to support its claims? You want to choose an app that can provide you with accurate and reliable data that reflects your actual sleep quality and quantity.

3. Compare the costs and benefits of the app. How much does the app cost? Is it free, paid, or subscription-based? What are the benefits of using the app? Does it offer any unique features or advantages that justify its price? How does it compare to other similar apps in terms of functionality, usability, and design? You want to choose an app that can offer you the best value for your money and meet your expectations.

4. Try out the app before committing. Most apps offer a free trial period or a limited version that allows you to test their features and performance. This can help you get a feel for the app and see if it suits your preferences and lifestyle. You can also check the app's ratings, reviews, and feedback from other users to learn from their experiences and opinions. You want to choose an app that you enjoy using and that can help you achieve your sleep goals.


Sleep tracking is a useful tool that can help you improve your sleep habits and optimize your sleep cycles. By using a compatible sleep tracker app with your Apple Watch, you can monitor your sleep patterns and get feedback and insights on how to sleep better. You can also set alarms, goals, challenges, reminders, and more to motivate yourself to get enough quality sleep every night.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your health and well-being, try using a sleep tracker app with your Apple Watch today. You may be surprised by how much difference it can make in your life.

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